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Motorcycle Crash Most Common Causes: Must See Data Table!

Short Answer

The primary cause of motorcycle crashes is human error, specifically mistakes made by the motorcycle rider such as speeding, inexperience, impaired driving, and failure to obey traffic laws. Other factors such as road conditions and weather can also contribute to motorcycle crashes, but human error is the leading cause.

Primary Cause of Motorcycle Crashes, What Are They?

Motorcycles are a popular mode of transportation for millions of people around the world. They are fast, fun, and fuel-efficient, but unfortunately, they are also more dangerous than other vehicles. According to statistics, motorcycle riders are 27 times more likely to die in a crash than passengers in a car. One of the primary causes of motorcycle crashes is human error, which can lead to serious injuries or even death.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) conducted a study that analyzed the causes of motorcycle crashes. The study found that 92% of all motorcycle crashes were caused by human error, while only 2% of crashes were caused by road conditions and 2% were caused by weather. The remaining 4% were caused by vehicle malfunctions.

Here is a chart that breaks down the most common causes of motorcycle crashes based on the NHTSA study:

Cause of CrashPercentage of Crashes
Alcohol impairment27%
Failure to yield25%
Unsafe lane changes17%
Left turn11%
Roadway defects2%
Weather conditions2%
Vehicle defects3%

As the chart shows, speeding is the leading cause of motorcycle crashes, accounting for 33% of all crashes. This is likely due to the fact that motorcycles can accelerate quickly and reach high speeds, making it tempting for riders to push their limits. Alcohol impairment is another significant factor, accounting for 27% of all crashes. This highlights the importance of never driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Failure to yield, unsafe lane changes, inexperience, left turns, and distraction are also common causes of motorcycle crashes.

It’s important for motorcycle riders to be aware of these common causes and take steps to prevent them. This includes driving defensively, obeying traffic laws, and avoiding distractions while riding. Proper training and experience can also help prevent crashes caused by inexperience. By taking these precautions, riders can help reduce the risk of motorcycle crashes and stay safe on the road.

Another significant cause of motorcycle crashes is alcohol impairment. Riding a motorcycle requires a high level of skill and coordination, and alcohol can impair a rider’s ability to control the bike and react to changing road conditions. According to the NHTSA study, alcohol impairment was a factor in 27% of all motorcycle crashes.

Here is a chart that breaks down the causes of motorcycle crashes involving alcohol impairment:

Cause of CrashPercentage of Crashes
Excessive speed33%
Failure to stay in lane26%
Wrong-way driving9%
Failure to yield7%
Improper passing7%
Failure to signal5%

As the chart shows, excessive speed is the most common cause of motorcycle crashes involving alcohol impairment, accounting for 33% of all crashes. This is likely due to the fact that alcohol can impair a rider’s judgment and lead them to take risks they would not normally take. Failure to stay in the lane and wrong-way driving are also common causes of alcohol-related crashes.

To prevent alcohol-related motorcycle crashes, it’s important for riders to never drink and ride. If a rider plans to drink, they should make alternate arrangements for transportation or designate a sober driver. It’s also important for riders to be aware of the risks of riding while fatigued or distracted, as these factors can compound the effects of alcohol impairment and increase the risk of a crash. By taking these precautions, riders can help prevent alcohol-related motorcycle crashes and stay safe on the road.

Additional Causes of Motorcycle Crashes

While speeding and alcohol impairment are the two primary causes of motorcycle crashes, there are several other factors that can contribute to accidents on the road. In this section, we will discuss some of these additional causes and provide a chart based on data from the NHTSA.

The chart below provides an overview of the additional causes of motorcycle crashes:

Additional Cause of Motorcycle CrashesPercentage of Crashes
Distracted driving5%
Vehicle turning left in front of rider3%
Road hazards2%
Weather conditions1%
Motorcycle defects0.5%
Inexperienced riders33%
Lack of protective gear27%
Overconfidence and reckless riding23%
Fatigue and drowsy riding7%
Impaired vision or hearing1%

Distracted driving is one of the additional causes of motorcycle crashes and accounts for 5% of all accidents. This can include drivers using their cell phones, eating, drinking, or engaging in other distracting behaviors while operating a vehicle. It’s important for riders to remain aware of their surroundings and anticipate potential hazards on the road, particularly when sharing the road with distracted drivers.

Another cause of motorcycle crashes is when a vehicle turns left in front of a rider, accounting for 3% of crashes. This can happen when a driver misjudges the distance and speed of an oncoming motorcycle, or fails to see the rider altogether. Riders can reduce the risk of this type of accident by wearing high visibility gear and remaining alert to the movements of other vehicles on the road.

Road hazards, such as potholes, debris, or uneven pavement, account for 2% of motorcycle crashes. These hazards can cause a rider to lose control of their motorcycle and crash. Riders can reduce the risk of this type of accident by keeping a safe distance from other vehicles and maintaining an appropriate speed for the road conditions.

Weather conditions can also contribute to motorcycle crashes, accounting for 1% of all accidents. Rain, wind, and snow can make roads slick and reduce visibility, making it more difficult to control a motorcycle. Riders should adjust their riding behavior to match the weather conditions, such as slowing down and increasing their following distance.

Motorcycle defects account for 0.5% of crashes. This can include issues with the brakes, tires, or other components of the motorcycle. Regular maintenance and inspection of the motorcycle can help prevent accidents caused by equipment failure.

In addition to these factors, there are several rider-related factors that can contribute to motorcycle crashes. Inexperienced riders, for example, account for 33% of all accidents. Lack of experience can lead to poor judgment, failure to maintain control of the motorcycle, and inability to respond to sudden changes in traffic.

Lack of protective gear is another factor that can contribute to motorcycle crashes, accounting for 27% of accidents. Riders who fail to wear helmets, gloves, and other protective gear are at a greater risk of sustaining serious injuries in the event of an accident.

Overconfidence and reckless riding are also common causes of motorcycle crashes, accounting for 23% of accidents. These riders may engage in dangerous maneuvers, such as weaving in and out of traffic or exceeding safe speed limits, which can lead to accidents.

Fatigue and drowsy riding can also contribute to motorcycle crashes, accounting for 7% of accidents. Riders who are tired or drowsy may have slower reaction times and impaired judgment, making it more difficult to maintain control of the motorcycle.

Finally, motorcycle defects account for 0.5% of crashes. This can include issues with the brakes, tires, or other components of the motorcycle. Regular maintenance and inspection of the motorcycle can help prevent accidents caused by equipment failure.

In summary, while speeding and alcohol impairment are the top two primary causes of motorcycle crashes, there are several other factors that can contribute to accidents on the road. By being aware of these additional causes and taking proactive measures to prevent accidents, riders can stay safe on the road and enjoy their motorcycle experience.

Tips for Preventing Motorcycle Crashes

While there are several primary and additional causes of motorcycle crashes, there are steps riders can take to prevent accidents and stay safe on the road. In this section, we will provide some tips for preventing motorcycle crashes.

The chart below provides an overview of these tips:

Tips for Preventing Motorcycle CrashesExplanation
Wear protective gearWearing a helmet, gloves, and other protective gear can reduce the risk of serious injuries in the event of an accident.
Obey traffic lawsFollowing speed limits, signaling properly, and obeying traffic signs and signals can help prevent accidents.
Ride defensivelyAnticipating potential hazards on the road and remaining alert to the movements of other vehicles can help prevent accidents.
Don’t drink and rideRiding under the influence of alcohol or drugs can impair judgment and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents.
Maintain your motorcycleRegular maintenance and inspection of the motorcycle can help prevent accidents caused by equipment failure.
Take a motorcycle safety courseTaking a safety course can improve riding skills and provide valuable knowledge on how to prevent accidents.
Be visible and use lightsUse reflective and bright clothing, and turn on the motorcycle’s lights to increase visibility.
Stay alert and well-restedAvoid fatigue and drowsy riding, and stay alert by taking breaks during long rides.
Anticipate weather conditionsAdjust your riding behavior to match the weather conditions, such as slowing down and increasing following distance.
Avoid overconfidenceRide within your skill level, and avoid engaging in dangerous maneuvers or taking unnecessary risks.

Wearing protective gear is a crucial step in preventing motorcycle crashes. Helmets, gloves, boots, and other protective gear can reduce the risk of serious injuries in the event of an accident. Riders should always wear a helmet, as it is the most effective way to prevent head injuries. In addition, riders should wear brightly colored or reflective clothing to increase their visibility on the road.

Obeying traffic laws is another important step in preventing motorcycle crashes. Following speed limits, signaling properly, and obeying traffic signs and signals can help prevent accidents. Riders should also avoid lane splitting and other maneuvers that may be illegal or unsafe.

Riding defensively is also key to preventing motorcycle crashes. Anticipating potential hazards on the road and remaining alert to the movements of other vehicles can help prevent accidents. Riders should maintain a safe following distance and avoid riding in blind spots. They should also avoid distractions while riding and focus solely on the road ahead.

Another important tip for preventing motorcycle crashes is to never drink and ride. Riding under the influence of alcohol or drugs can impair judgment and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents. It’s important to always ride sober and arrange for a designated driver or other safe transportation if necessary.

Regular maintenance and inspection of the motorcycle is also essential in preventing accidents caused by equipment failure. Riders should check their motorcycle’s brakes, tires, lights, and other components regularly to ensure they are in good working condition.

Taking a motorcycle safety course can improve riding skills and provide valuable knowledge on how to prevent accidents. These courses can teach riders how to handle emergency situations, ride defensively, and avoid potential hazards on the road.

In conclusion, by following these tips, riders can reduce the risk of motorcycle crashes and stay safe on the road. While accidents can happen, taking proactive measures to prevent them can make a significant difference in preventing injuries and fatalities.

What to Do If You’re in a Motorcycle Crash

Despite taking preventative measures, motorcycle crashes can still occur. If you find yourself in a motorcycle crash, it’s important to know what to do in order to stay safe and protect your legal rights. In this section, we will provide some tips on what to do if you’re in a motorcycle crash.

The chart below provides an overview of these tips:

What to Do If You’re in a Motorcycle CrashExplanation
Check for injuriesAssess yourself and others for injuries, and seek medical attention if necessary.
Move to a safe locationIf possible, move yourself and your motorcycle to a safe location to avoid further accidents.
Call emergency servicesCall 911 or other emergency services immediately to report the accident and request medical attention if necessary.
Exchange informationExchange contact and insurance information with other parties involved in the accident.
Document the accidentTake photos of the accident scene and damage to vehicles, and obtain witness information if possible.
Contact an attorneyConsider contacting a personal injury attorney to protect your legal rights and seek compensation for damages.
File an insurance claimNotify your insurance company of the accident and file a claim to cover damages and injuries.
Repair your motorcycleGet your motorcycle repaired by a reputable mechanic or dealership before riding it again.
Consider taking a break from ridingTake time to recover and assess whether you’re emotionally ready to ride again.

The first step if you’re in a motorcycle crash is to check yourself and others for injuries. Seek medical attention immediately if necessary, even if you don’t feel like you’ve been injured. Injuries may not be immediately apparent, and it’s important to receive medical attention to diagnose and treat any injuries.

If possible, move yourself and your motorcycle to a safe location to avoid further accidents. If you’re unable to move, turn on your motorcycle’s hazard lights and wait for emergency services to arrive.

Call 911 or other emergency services immediately to report the accident and request medical attention if necessary. Provide your location, details of the accident, and any injuries.

Exchange contact and insurance information with other parties involved in the accident. This information may include names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance information. It’s important to obtain this information for insurance and legal purposes.

Document the accident by taking photos of the accident scene and damage to vehicles. Obtain witness information if possible, including names and contact information. This information can be valuable in determining fault and seeking compensation for damages.

Consider contacting a personal injury attorney to protect your legal rights and seek compensation for damages. An attorney can help navigate the legal process and negotiate with insurance companies to ensure you receive fair compensation for any injuries or damages incurred in the accident.

Notify your insurance company of the accident and file a claim to cover damages and injuries. Be honest and thorough in reporting the accident to your insurance company, and provide any documentation or evidence you have.

Get your motorcycle repaired by a reputable mechanic or dealership before riding it again. Make sure your motorcycle is fully functional and safe before riding it again.

Take time to recover and assess whether you’re emotionally ready to ride again. A motorcycle crash can be a traumatic experience, and it’s important to take care of yourself and assess whether you’re emotionally prepared to ride again.

In conclusion, while motorcycle crashes can be traumatic and unexpected, taking proactive steps in the event of an accident can help protect your safety and legal rights. By following the above tips, riders can minimize the impact of a motorcycle crash and seek appropriate compensation for any damages incurred.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s a chart with frequently asked questions and answers on the primary cause of motorcycle crashes:

What is the most common cause of motorcycle crashes?The most common cause of motorcycle crashes is human error, such as speeding, not following traffic rules, and driving under the influence.
What percentage of motorcycle accidents are caused by speeding?Speeding is a factor in a significant percentage of motorcycle crashes, with estimates ranging from 30% to 50% depending on the study.
Are motorcycle crashes more likely to result in serious injuries or fatalities compared to car crashes?Yes, motorcycle crashes are more likely to result in serious injuries or fatalities compared to car crashes due to the lack of protection for the rider.
What is lane splitting and how does it contribute to motorcycle crashes?Lane splitting is when a motorcycle rider rides between lanes of slow-moving or stopped traffic. It can contribute to motorcycle crashes if not done safely or if other drivers are not aware of the rider’s presence.
How does alcohol consumption affect motorcycle crashes?Alcohol consumption significantly increases the risk of motorcycle crashes, with studies showing that alcohol is a factor in up to 40% of fatal motorcycle accidents.
Are motorcycle crashes more likely to occur at night?Yes, motorcycle crashes are more likely to occur at night due to reduced visibility and other factors such as alcohol consumption and fatigue.
What role do road conditions play in motorcycle crashes?Road conditions such as potholes, uneven surfaces, and debris can contribute to motorcycle crashes. Poor road maintenance and design can also be a factor.
How does rider experience affect motorcycle crashes?Rider experience is a significant factor in motorcycle crashes, with novice riders being more likely to be involved in accidents. Experience, training, and proper gear can help reduce the risk of crashes.

Expert Opinions

Experts in motorcycle safety and accident prevention generally agree that the primary cause of motorcycle crashes is human error, particularly on the part of the motorcycle rider. However, they also acknowledge that other factors, such as road conditions, weather, and the behavior of other drivers, can also contribute to accidents.

Expert OpinionDescription
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)States that 94% of motorcycle accidents involve human error on the part of the rider or other motorists. Human error can include speeding, not following traffic rules, and driving under the influence.
Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF)Asserts that rider error is the leading cause of single-vehicle motorcycle crashes, while collisions involving other vehicles are often caused by drivers failing to see the motorcycle. MSF recommends proper training and education for riders to reduce the risk of accidents.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Reports that speeding, alcohol use, and lack of helmet use are significant factors in motorcycle fatalities. CDC also emphasizes the importance of wearing proper protective gear and following traffic rules to prevent accidents.
American Motorcyclist Association (AMA)Emphasizes the need for all road users, including motorcyclists and motorists, to be aware of each other and to follow traffic rules. AMA advocates for improved road design and maintenance to reduce hazards for riders.
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)Conducts research on motorcycle safety and advocates for policies to improve rider protection, such as mandatory helmet laws and increased visibility measures for motorcycles. IIHS also emphasizes the need for riders to receive proper training and licensing to reduce the risk of accidents.


In conclusion, the primary cause of motorcycle crashes is often related to human error. Factors such as speeding, alcohol or drug use, and not following traffic laws are common contributors to motorcycle crashes. However, there are several additional causes, including poor road conditions, inclement weather, and equipment failure.

The chart below provides an overview of the primary causes of motorcycle crashes and tips for preventing and handling motorcycle accidents:

Primary Causes of Motorcycle Crashes and Tips for Prevention
Human error, including speeding, alcohol or drug use, and not following traffic laws.
Poor road conditions, inclement weather, and equipment failure.
Wear protective gear, obey traffic laws, ride defensively, avoid alcohol or drug use while riding, maintain your motorcycle, and take a safety course.
If in a crash, check for injuries, move to a safe location, call emergency services, document the accident, consider contacting a personal injury attorney, and file an insurance claim.

Human error is the most common cause of motorcycle crashes, and riders can take steps to prevent accidents caused by these factors. Speeding is a common cause of motorcycle crashes and can be prevented by following posted speed limits and riding at a safe speed for the road conditions. Alcohol or drug use while riding can impair judgment and reaction time, making it essential for riders to avoid these substances while riding. Not following traffic laws, such as running red lights or failing to signal, can also increase the risk of accidents.

Poor road conditions and inclement weather can also contribute to motorcycle crashes. Riders can prevent accidents caused by poor road conditions by riding at a safe speed and avoiding hazards such as potholes or debris. In adverse weather conditions, riders should adjust their riding behavior to match the conditions, such as slowing down and increasing following distance.

Equipment failure can also contribute to motorcycle crashes. Riders should maintain their motorcycle and regularly check the brakes, tires, lights, and other components to ensure they are in good working condition.

Wearing protective gear, obeying traffic laws, riding defensively, avoiding alcohol or drug use while riding, maintaining your motorcycle, and taking a safety course are all important steps in preventing motorcycle crashes. These measures can reduce the risk of accidents and keep riders safe on the road.

In the event of a motorcycle crash, it’s important to take proactive steps to protect your safety and legal rights. Checking for injuries, moving to a safe location, calling emergency services, documenting the accident, considering contacting a personal injury attorney, and filing an insurance claim are all important steps to take.

By being proactive in preventing and handling motorcycle crashes, riders can minimize the risk of accidents and stay safe on the road. It’s important to prioritize safety while riding and take appropriate measures in the event of an accident.